I commend you in your search for spiritual guidance and for taking the time to view our web site!
My belief is that we all need and long for purpose and joy in our lives. The world cannot truly provide this. Spiritual fulfillment is essential for finding what our hearts need the most. You can discover this within our family body at Counce UPC as you devote your life to the service and worship of God.
I endeavor to guide our church corporately and each person individually into a relationship with The Lord through His redeeming Power and Love.
If you would like more information about our church or have any questions, please feel free to contact me personally. I pray that you will consider worshipping with us; we would love to meet you.
All are welcome to come and visit us!
Bro. Glen Miller, Pastor of Counce United Pentecostal Church
Have a question for me? Send me an e-mail to gmiller@counceupc.com